A functional genomic perspective on human well-being

Psychological Well-beings and their Genomic Effects
This research article on PNAS, “a functional genomic perspective on human well-being”, is quite mind opening.
It offered some new insight on how philosophical mindsets can affect people’s physical health in genomic level, above and beyond current physical health, levels of stress, depression, and other states.
Hedonic and eudaimonic well-beings are two basic forms of philosophical well-beings. Conceptually speaking , the “hedonic” form representing the sum of an individual’s positive affective experiences, and a deeper “eudaimonic” form that results from striving toward meaning and a noble purpose beyond simple self-gratification. Hedonic well-being hypothesized to motivate basic physiological and psychological adaptations, and eudaimonic well-being hypothesized to motivate more complex social and cultural capacities.
The research was aim at study the biological implications of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being on the human genome—a system of ∼21,000 genes that has evolved fundamentally to help humans survive and thrive.
The result is quite interesting, and probably surprised some people.
Worthy of reading and pondering, see full article here.